BOOK. Feminist Theories, Aesthetic Practices and Globalised Technologies

Category: Theories

Elpida Karaba, Iris Lykourioti (Editors)

Ioanna Zouli, Valia Papastamou, Kostas Stasinopoulos, Mariana Stefanitsi (Research Team)

A unique collection of feminst writing which connects in the most creative way feminism, technology and art. A reference book which covers a shortage in the greek bibliography.

The publication examines the crucial and radical changes taking place in the context of the globalised technological condition and the influences and impacts these have on women* and on the discourse of art history and theory. The Centre’s study focusses on contemporary ‘technologies’ and ‘techniques’ in life, art, science, and ethics, aiming for a strategic engagement with know-how, based on the radical theories and criticism outlined by feminist theory and practice.

The anthology brings together translations of classic texts that were seminal to the formation of global radical feminist theory but also contemporary work covering a broader area of feminist thought and discourse into Greek. Amongst them are texts, by Audre Lorde, Sylvia Federici, Nancy Frazer, Donna Haraway, Train Min Ha, Ursula Biemann, Athena Athanasiou, Rosi Braidotti, Judith Butler a.o. which address different theoretical approaches, from Marxism to critical posthumanism, and the different struggles waged by women*, queers and trans, their limits, their tensions and their transfeminist perspectives. For the selection of the texts we were guided by the shortage of translations of key texts on feminism, art and the globalised technology, but also by the quandaries expressed by young people in the Centre’s Reading Group with regards to the issues of feminism, gender studies, and the struggles of different and competitive subjectivities. As such, the pieces were selected to allow many different voices to be heard and different visions that intertwine to be seen.

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